Police Professional Liability Insurance

Cops and other law enforcement officials have a strong risk of facing lawsuits from the public, but having the right coverage can help prevent major losses.

Christine Lacagnina Written by Christine Lacagnina
Christine Lacagnina
Written by Christine Lacagnina

Christine Lacagnina has written thousands of insurance-based articles for TrustedChoice.com by authoring consumable, understandable content.

Reviewed by Cara Carlone
Reviewed by Cara Carlone

Cara Carlone is a licensed P&C agent with 20 years of experience. She has her P&C license in RI and TX and holds CPCU, API, and AINS designations.

Cropped view of police officer. Police Professional Liability Insurance.

Police officers and other law enforcement officials work hard to defend and protect the public and uphold the law. However, these professionals aren't immune to lawsuits and other threats in their line of work. Law enforcement workers can face expensive claims related to negligence, false arrest, excessive force, failure to protect, and more. That's what makes having the right police officer liability insurance critical.

Fortunately, a local independent insurance agent can help you find the right law enforcement liability insurance. They'll help you get set up with enough coverage to defend against potential hefty lawsuits. Until then, here's a breakdown of police professional liability insurance, what it covers, why it's necessary, and more.

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What Is Police Professional Liability Insurance?

Also called law enforcement liability insurance, police professional liability insurance can cover law enforcement officials against the cost of third-party lawsuits for various claims. These claims can include alleged excessive force, false arrest, and more. Many accidental incidents can occur in the line of duty for police officers and other law enforcement officials.

Police professional liability insurance is a special type of errors and omissions insurance that can pay for many expenses associated with lawsuits, such as attorney, court, and settlement costs. This coverage is designed to protect law enforcement professionals against expenses stemming from third-party bodily injury, personal injury, or personal property damage. To be covered, the damage or injury must have occurred while conducting law enforcement operations or activities.

Who Needs Law Enforcement Liability Insurance?

Cops aren't the only officers who need additional protection. Law enforcement liability insurance is available to many professionals who are employed to enforce the law and protect people or property. However, this coverage is not designed for fire departments or districts.

Law enforcement liability insurance may benefit the following professions and individuals:

  • Police officers
  • Police detectives
  • Police departments
  • Policy captains
  • Sheriffs
  • Sheriff agencies
  • Deputy chiefs
  • Police commissioners
  • K-9 police dogs
  • Law enforcement officials
  • Volunteer policemen
  • College or university police
  • Port or airport authorities
  • Security companies
  • Prisons
  • Other public safety organizations

If you work in one of these fields or for one of these departments, work with a local independent insurance agent to find the proper law enforcement liability insurance.

Why Do I Need Police Professional Liability Insurance?

The cost of an unexpected lawsuit can be financially devastating without the proper coverage. Unfortunately, there's no way to predict accidents that may occur during the line of duty. One instance of a member of the public claiming excessive force or an incident of false arrest could end in litigation against you. Having the right law enforcement liability insurance could help you financially recover from lawsuits that arise due to your profession.

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What Does Police Officer Liability Insurance Cover?

Law enforcement liability insurance or police professional liability insurance can cover expenses arising from various lawsuits. This coverage can pay for an attorney, as well as for court costs and settlement expenses. Some of the most common claims against police officers and law enforcement agencies include the following:

  • Negligence
  • Failure to protect
  • False arrest
  • Civil rights violations
  • Excessive force
  • Cruel and unusual punishment
  • Alleged sexual abuse or molestation
  • Alleged assault and battery
  • Failed CPR

Law enforcement liability insurance can cover lawsuits related to any of these claims filed against an officer or department by a third party. These policies can cover allegations of wrongful acts and other professional errors or omissions.

What's Not Covered by Police Professional Liability Insurance?

Intentional or malicious acts against others are not covered by law enforcement liability insurance. These policies also won't cover incidents that occur while not on active duty or injuries or property damage to law enforcement officials, even while working. To protect against injuries and property damage that can occur on the job, consider a workers' compensation insurance policy.

How Much Does Law Enforcement Liability Insurance Cost?

The cost of law enforcement liability insurance can vary based on a number of factors. These may include how long you've been working as a law enforcement official, your location, and your specific job duties.

Your claims history can also impact your premium rates. To find affordable police officer liability insurance, work together with a local independent insurance agent.

professional liability

Save on Professional Liability Insurance

Our independent agents shop around to find you the best coverage.

An Independent Insurance Agent Can Help You Find the Right Law Enforcement Liability Insurance

Whether you work as a cop or any other law enforcement official, no one's better equipped to help you find the right coverage than a local independent insurance agent. These agents can help shop and compare policies and rates for you and provide you with several quotes.

They'll make sure you get matched to the policy with just the right amount of coverage at an affordable rate. And down the road, your agent can help file claims for you or update your coverage as necessary.

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