Find the right health insurance policy for you.

The hot topic of healthcare isn't just an elusive concept that government officials somewhere far away will handle. Finding the proper Indianapolis, IN, health insurance coverage is each individual’s responsibility. As a resident of this city, you have a right and even greater responsibility to know the cost of your healthcare.
Whether you have a high deductible health plan, a PPO plan, or another type of insurance coverage, a local Trusted Choice® independent agent can help you determine the best option for your healthcare needs. Your independent agent works with a variety of insurance companies and can show you several Indianapolis health insurance quotes to compare and choose from. Call an agent today to get started finding the best healthcare insurance for your nerd and budget.
The state of Indiana is the sixth-highest in the nation in the number of insureds with a private health insurance plan. One in ten nonelderly residents has consumer-driven insurance such as a high-deductible health plan with an attached health savings plan.
The largest city in Indiana, Indianapolis is located in Marion County. Consider these health facts about the County, which ranks in the bottom 20 percent of all counties in the state on health scores:
- 30% of adults are obese
- 20% of residents are uninsured residents
- 10% of residents are diabetic
- 26% of the population smokes
The amounts shown above are all higher than the national benchmark. The right Indianapolis health insurance coverage is not only necessary; it can literally be a life saver. Since shopping around for Indianapolis health insurance policies can be daunting, take advantage of the expertise a local agent offers you.
Use our independent agent matching system to find the best insurance plan in your area. You tell us what you’re looking for, and our technology will recommend the best agents for you. Any information you provide will be sent to only the agents you pick. We do not sell to third parties.
The Importance of Health Insurance
Health insurance isn’t just necessary for those struggling with sickness or disease. It can also protect you financially from unforeseen medical expenses. Most Indianapolis health insurance policies also provide coverage for preventative care.
If you require prescription drugs to manage a chronic illness, you’ll likely need appropriate health insurance policy to cover this. Currently in Indiana, health insurers can exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions for up to 12 months, so if you live with a pre-existing condition, your insurance options could be limited. To learn what your options for coverage are, turn to a Trusted Choice member agent.
Find Indianapolis Health Insurance Coverage
Most residents secure Indianapolis health insurance through an employer, a private health care plan, or a government program. Though employer-sponsored plans are often convenient, a private policy found through an independent agent may actually be more affordable in some cases. Employer-based family health insurance costs families $4,300 per year, on average.
Of course, health insurance premium costs vary based on your age, health condition, and where you live. If you are young and healthy, your premium is typically lower than someone who is aging with a chronic medical condition. To determine the best plan for your unique health or family situation, contact an independent agent.
Purchase the Right Indianapolis Health Insurance Policy
Due to the Affordable Care Act, there are potentially many continued changes on the horizon for healthcare in the U.S. Whether you choose coverage under your employer’s plan or seek another avenue, you might feel a little overwhelmed by the choices.
Local Trusted Choice independent agents can help you compare Indianapolis medical insurance quotes from a number of top insurers. They are there if you need guidance reviewing policies, and will provide exceptional customer service throughout the process.
Your health and the health of those you love is too important to leave to chance. Count on a local independent agent to present you with Indianapolis medical insurance quotes that match your specific needs. You’ll save money while gaining the assurance that you’ve made a wise decision for your health. Contact an agent today to be on your way to a healthy tomorrow.