Irma Palma
TFWG Insurance Services
Houston, TX
“[] make[s] it easy to get leads… It’s very convenient, especially when you’re multi-tasking… You’re able to view some of that information that they provide to you, so you can even sometimes pre-quote them before even talking to the client.”
“We’re quoting at least 60% of the incoming referrals, which is great for us, because it’s not just the business that we’re able to write at that particular moment, but… we’re getting exposure to other businesses.” is the #1 online resource for connecting insurance buyers with independent insurance agents. We rank high in Google search results and have had over 30 million insurance shoppers visit Become a recommended agency on today. Learn more.
Company Partners: MJ Kelly, Travelers, Appalachian Underwriters, MJ Kelly Company, US Risk
Keywords: personal lines, premium amount: $2,900, exposure, easy