Derek Wirz
The Southern Agency, Inc.
Ooltewah, TN
“I highly recommend TrustedChoice[.com] to any insurance agent who wants to grow, wants another time at bat – another opportunity to… work on accounts that fit within your agency. It’s proven out to be perfect for our company.”
“We love the [Advantage Subscription] program and enjoy TrustedChoice[.com], and feel like it’s been a great dollar spent to have that presence on the web.”
“With the Trusted Choice platform, the national advertising campaign, every day or two we’re getting a new lead, a new opportunity… Certainly, TrustedChoice[.com] has been a great landing site for consumers looking for better insurance.” is the #1 online resource for connecting insurance buyers with independent insurance agents. We rank high in Google search results and have had over 30 million insurance shoppers visit Become a recommended agency on today. Learn more.
Company Partners: Cincinnati, Erie, West Bend, Auto Owners
Keywords: credibility, Trusted Choice brand, leads, web presence, appetite engine, communication, growth, online shoppers