Jack Shaw
Carolina Underwriters Insurance Agency Inc.
Charlotte, NC
“We have really appreciated the TrustedChoice[.com] leads… On the commercial side… our hit ratio I think has been really quite excellent. On the personal lines side… we find that those referrals have been very, very positive for us, and I think our hit ratio… is even better.”
Would you recommend TrustedChoice[.com] to other agents?
“Absolutely, absolutely… I think it’s been very beneficial to us.”
TrustedChoice.com is the #1 online resource for connecting insurance buyers with independent insurance agents. We rank high in Google search results and have had over 30 million insurance shoppers visit TrustedChoice.com. Become a recommended agency on TrustedChoice.com today. Learn more.
Company Partners: Frankenmuth, Cincinnati, Selective Insurance, Accident Fund, State Auto
Keywords: leads, commercial lines, personal lines, success rate, recommend