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  1. IA Advantage Blog
  2.  » The Claim-it Secret You Didn’t Know

The Claim-it Secret You Didn’t Know

Claim-it Referrals are high-intent insurance referrals you can claim in real time — but there's a secret for turning referrals into clients.
Published: June 24, 2024
The Claim-it Secret You Didn’t Know: Weekend Notifications for Claim-it Insurance Referrals

Timing can make the difference between securing a new client or losing out to a competitor in today’s fast-paced world of insurance. At, we understand the critical importance of connecting independent insurance agents with high-intent, exclusive local referrals quickly and efficiently.

That’s why we’re sharing our best-kept secret for significantly enhancing your chances of claiming the perfect referral: weekend notifications for Claim-it® Referrals.

Why Weekend Notifications Matter

1. Real-Time Advantage: In a modern-day market where instant service is expected, potential clients no longer adhere to a Monday-Friday schedule. By opting in to receive weekend notifications, you ensure that you’re among the first to know about potential clients seeking insurance coverage outside of regular business hours. This real-time advantage allows you to promptly respond to inquiries when your competition might be off-the-clock or less responsive.

2. Capture High-Intent Referrals: Claim-it Referral notifications are tailored to alert you to high-intent, appetite-matching referrals in your local area. These are prospects actively seeking insurance coverage, potentially with urgent needs or specific requirements that align perfectly with your expertise. By receiving alerts over the weekend, you maximize your chances of claiming these exclusive referrals before they are even aware of other options.

3. Exclusive Opportunities: Claiming a referral through our Claim-it marketplace means the information becomes exclusive to you. Once you’ve claimed a referral, the referral information is no longer available to competing agents. This exclusivity enhances your chances of winning the account.

4. Enhanced Client Experience: Prompt responsiveness is a critical component of great customer service. By being alerted to potential clients’ needs during weekends, you demonstrate your commitment to finding the appropriate insurance solution for them. This proactive approach can start your client-agent relationship off on the right foot and cultivate brand loyalty to your business.

5. Discount on Weekend Claim-it Referrals: When you claim a referral from our Claim-it marketplace during the weekend, you can get a discount of up to 30% off!

How to Optimize Your Claim-it Experience

To fully leverage weekend notifications for Claim-it Referrals, follow these steps.

  • Update Your Notification Settings: Ensure your profile is set up to receive notifications via text message, including weekends. Here’s how to customize your Claim-it notification settings.
  • Act Quickly: When you receive a weekend notification, assess the referral promptly. If it aligns with your expertise and service offerings, claim it without delay to secure exclusivity.
  • Prepare for Follow-up: Be ready to follow up with your new insurance prospect as soon as possible. Weekend responsiveness can make a significant impression and increase the likelihood of converting the referral into a client.

Stop missing out on valuable opportunities due to weekend unavailability. Opt in to receive weekend notifications for Claim-it Referrals and take proactive steps towards maximizing your potential as an independent agent.

Don’t have access to Claim-it Referrals? Schedule a demo of our Claim-it marketplace now to get started.

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