Paul Jacobs Jr. & Paul Jacobs Sr.
Lone Star Insurers
Fort Worth, TX
“It’s definitely helped [our SEO strategy]… The amount of traffic that TrustedChoice[.com] gets has definitely helped our Google page and website with the number of contacts and touches that we get every day.”
“We close probably around 65-70% of those leads [from]. From an overall standpoint, as far as a lead source, a quality lead source, this is by far the best one we have. It’s really a good investment… for agencies to make.”
“I think our rate of return on what we get and what we sell [from] has been an integral part of the growth in our agency.” is the #1 online resource for connecting insurance buyers with independent insurance agents. We rank high in Google search results and have had over 30 million insurance shoppers visit Become a recommended agency on today. Learn more.
Keywords: credibility, recognition, branding awareness, growth, SEO, Google, quality leads, close ratio: 65-70%, satisfaction, ROI: very good, recommend, success rate