Fletcher Wilson
Wilson Insurance Services, Inc.
Winston-Salem, NC
“Absolutely, yeah we have seen positive sales activity [from TrustedChoice.com recommendations]… We do ask where people found us, and even if we’re not getting an email referral card, sometimes people are saying they found us through TrustedChoice[.com].”
“We absolutely have received inbound referrals [from TrustedChoice.com]. We’ve written some bigger personal lines and life cases… and I would say in the last year, we’ve probably written… $15,000-$20,000 in new premium as a result of the TrustedChoice[.com] referrals that come directly inbound us.”
“I would recommend agents… pursue [the Advantage subscription], because number one it helps with your SEO and visibility and continuing to further your brand. And then secondly, the inbound referrals that we get – we’re getting some referrals activity that otherwise we wouldn’t get.”
TrustedChoice.com is the #1 online resource for connecting insurance buyers with independent insurance agents. We rank high in Google search results and have had over 30 million insurance shoppers visit TrustedChoice.com. Become a recommended agency on TrustedChoice.com today. Learn more.
Company Partners: Erie Insurance Group, The Hartford, Central Mutual
Keywords: Trusted Choice brand, agency profile, leads, SEO, recommendations, be found, personal lines, life, premium amount: $15,000 – $20,000 in last year, quality leads, satisfaction, ROI, recommend, visibility, branding awareness