David Ashton
Southern Insurance Group
Greenville, SC
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“The quality [of the Claim-it leads] has been surprisingly good—in being able to convert those leads, and also the types of leads…We’ve definitely gotten some A-level accounts… from [Claim-it leads].”
“We’re probably closing around 50%-60% of all the people that we’re actually able to talk to…I’ve been really happy when I compare the TrustedChoice[.com] leads to internet leads and any other type of lead that we have available.”
“One of the great things about the Claim-it program is you already have an idea of what the customer or client is looking for, so you can decide if that’s something you want to pursue or not.”
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Keywords: Claim-it process, personal lines, commercial lines, success rate: 50-60%, good quality leads, satisfaction, premium amount: $6,000, avg. premium: $1500-1750, prospect info. prior to purchasing, ROI: long-game